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A Will is the only way to make sure loved ones are provided for properly when you die. Whilst it is on most people’s to-do list, making a Will is often put off as a difficult thing to think about. It is however, one of the most important legal documents you will ever make. Without a carefully thought out Will in place your loved ones may face significant difficulties if you were to die unexpectedly.


A Will can say;

  • who should sort out your affairs

  • appoint guardians to look after your children

  • make provision for pets

  • provide for spouses and partners, children, family, friends and charities.




Without a Will the law dictates what should happen and this may be very different to your own personal wishes. 


A Will needs to be carefully thought out and our solicitor, Emily Dushynsky can guide you and help you consider all the relevant issues including the best way to protect your loved ones and provide you with estate and tax planning advice.


It is also a frustrating fact that many homemade Wills are found to be invalid because the person tried to communicate their wishes but failed to express them clearly or to execute the Will properly.  By asking Emily to help prepare your Will you have the reassurance that your wishes will be recorded clearly and the Will will be completed and signed properly according to the legal requirements for validity.


If you would like to make or update your Will or have any questions Emily would be happy to speak to you so please

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